Monday, May 17, 2010

SO Much Pain

Well. I have just had surgery. Yes, 5 teeth have been removed and another exposed.

I have had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled from the corners of my mouth and one other pulled. I have also had one tooth which was up in my gum exposed. There is now a big hole there with the tooth just sitting there.

I am writing this in so much pain. I had my surgery on Friday 14th of May in the morning and now three days later I am having to lie in my bed and just watch TV and play on the computer, with the occasional visit to the toilet. I am still having mushy food. I am taking panadol 4 times a day and rinsing my mouth with hot salt and water 4 times a day, generally just before or just after a meal.

I have also developed the flu over the last few days so that is holding me back too. The best thing about this is that my mum has to wait on me and she has cleaned my room and put away my clean laundry so that is awesome!

I am expecting to go back to school on Thursday, although with the way I am feeling now, that is a long shot.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted in a while, there has been no need! All is well currently. I just had my braces tightened yesterday. At first, this is very painful but after a few hours and a bowl of ice cold ice cream, it only slightly hurts and it will for the next few days. Just get used to it and make sure you DO NOT under any circumstances hit or smack your braces. Usually, there are only a few teeth which hurt more than any, but don't worry, the pain will go away faster than it came.

- When you are in pain, try to avoid taking Panadol or any other pain relief. Too much is bad. Instead, grab a bowl of your favorite flavored ice cream and eat!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I have Braces!

Well, as the title suggests, I have gotten braces. They will be in my mouth for two years. When I got them in, they didn't hurt at all. But after about 3 hours, they really started hurting. I have taken as much Panadol as possible. I may not go to baseball training tomorrow although I do want to. I am NOT looking forward to tonight as I may find it hard to get to sleep. I will keep you posted.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Thanks Dad!

Over this weekend from the 16th to the 18th of October, as mum has been in NSW with Jade on a farm, Dad has been doing my mouth job. On friday night, he was able to turn it most of the way and he could see the next hole, but he did not do it the whole way. On saturday night, he tried for 10 to 15 minutes to move it, but as I thought, he was unable to move it. That night, it had me in tears. Dad was trying so hard but he didn't want to hurt me, so he stopped. I found it very hard to control my emotions, as Dad tries so hard every day.

Thanks Dad for trying so hard and being there for me.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

We have a Gap!

Well, great news! My two front teeth have a gap in between them! This is normal but hurts a lot. It also means that my treatment is working wonders which is a good sign as at the commencement of the process, I was a little apprehensive on how the whole thing would turn out.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 6, 7, 8 - 29/9/2009 to 1/10/2009

This is a jumbo post. I may start doing this with my food summary and only post when there is something exciting happening.

Day 6
B - Nutrigrain and Raisin Toast
L - Carbonara
Di - Leftovers
De - Ice Cream

Day 7
B - Nutrigrain and Vegemite Toast
L - Cup Noodles
Di - Leftovers
De - Ice Cream

Day 8
B - Nutrigrain and Vegemite Toast
L - Carbonara
Di - Leftovers
De - Ice Cream

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day 5 - 28/9/2009

Monday, a week until school starts and that equals lost of questions! But anyway, what's new with the expander. Well, my so called Vampire tooth is nearly back into place, I'd say a couple more days and it will be back in line with all the others.

I have realized that mince is one food that although it is small, it is going to go up into my expander and stick, and because it is so small, mum is finding it difficult to get it out. Oh, and about mum picking food out, she has found another tweezers that isn't as sharp to use. That's a relief because one of these days, I thought she was going to scratch me. Mum is going to go away for a few days in a few weeks so dad is going to have to learn how to expand my mouth and will also have to go through the gruesome task of picking food out. I bet 100% that he is NOT looking forward to this, but he is just going to have to do it.

I should just let you know that we are going to Philip Island from Friday night to Sunday so I may or may not be able to post. Lets hope that I can take my laptop! If not, mum may take hers. We are going to be staying at a campsite in a caravan so I doubt that there will be a internet room to get wireless. I'll see what happens!

B - Nutrigrain (Easy) & Raisin Toast (Ok, food stuck)
L - Beef Cup Noodles (Easy) & Cup Soup (Easy as)
Di - Leftovers (Hard, food stuck)
De - Ice-cream (Easy)
S - Baby Cereal (Easy)